Danke, aber nein, danke.

Ich habe gerade eine interessante Anfrage bekommen:

I know you are not advertising this kind of job, I am just wondering if you are interested
I need someone to write a review on a Travel Page,(Tripadvisor). Please let me know from which country you originally came and from what country will you be posting this Review.
This is important so I will know which IP Address/Country will show up on your Review.
All you need to do is do a little research on the place I will give you so that the review will sound real and authentic.
Business name on the list will be different for every order I make. You can just search the business on the net and read a little something about them then go to TrpAdv and read more reviews then you can go ahead and do the review yourself.
all I need is a screenshot of the Review both on a PENDING status and when it is LIVE/PUBLISHED
let me know when you are ready to proceed so I can order from any of your available gig on a weekly basis if this is done right.
let me know if you can do this

Sinngemäß möchte jemand, dass ich ihm Hotelbewertungen fälsche, fünf Dollar pro Stück.
Ich habe dankend abgelehnt.

Ich dachte, dass Thema bezahlte Bewertungen schreiben sei längst aufgeflogen und erledigt, aber scheinbar gibt es noch ein paar unbelehrbare Fälscher, nach denen es sich zu suchen lohnt.
Sehr Schade.

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